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Sodium Silicate also known as alkaline water or Air Abu Soda, is a compound food additive, a material in food technology, and a common traditional auxiliary material for Cantonese-style cakes.

When preparing Cantonese-style mooncake dough, a substance called “Air Abu Soda” is often added. Air Abu Soda is a common traditional auxiliary material in Cantonese-style cake

Sodium Silicate (Air Abu Soda) is a ingredients for making noodles, pastry, and mooncakes.


for mooncakes:

  1.  This is to neutralize the acid in the inverted syrup to prevent the sour taste of moon cakes from affecting the taste and mouthfeel
  2.  Control the speed of oil return and adjust the softness and hardness of the cake crust
  3. Increase the alkalinity of the mooncake skin, which is conducive to the coloring of the mooncake. The higher the alkalinity, the easier it is to color the mooncake skin
  4. It is the neutralization reaction of liquid soap and acid to produce a certain amount of carbon dioxide gas, which promotes the moderate expansion of the moon cake and makes the moon cake skin loose and not deformed.


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